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Class Pages: 2022 - 2023
Gele - Year 1 / Blwyddyn 1
Language & Literacy
Language & Literacy
Story Maps
We could also retell the story from our pictures
Each event from the story was shown by us drawing a picture
We drew the characters and what happened to them
Here is one of our story maps
This activity was for us to draw our own story maps of the story
We have been reading and retelling the story of ‘Goldilocks & The 3 Bears’
‘Wanted’ Posters
We have been reading the story of ‘Dilwyn The Welsh Dragon’
In the story some thieves try to steal from the Royal Mint
We decide to make ‘wanted’ posters to help catch them
The posters had a picture of the culprits
We also wrote a description of them
Our New Class
When we joined our new class in September our teacher wanted to know all about us
We talked and wrote things about ourselves
We wrote our favourite foods, the names of our friends and how we travel to school
In This Section
Expressive Arts
Health & Well Being
Language & Literacy
Mathematics & NumeracyNew Page
Science & Technology