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Online safety - cadw'n saff ar lein

On this page we are going to share some some useful links with you about keeping your children and yourselves safe online. The internet is changing daily - some good changes and some not so good. We know how difficult it can be to keep up to date with these changes. We also know how worrying and difficult it can be to keep a track on all the things your children might come across as they explore the internet. 

This link shares useful information about the different apps and websites that the children might come across. It gives you a brief description of the app and also the recommended age for each app App Guides For Families Please take time to familiarise yourselves with this document.

We will be sharing videos and tips with you on here too - so keep a look out!! We will share any resources we use with the children in school about online safety and will show the children where to find these links at home - they will be the ones teaching and showing you!!!

Please come and see us if you have any worries or concerns about keeping our children safe online.