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Key Information - Gwybodaeth Pwysig

Please find below important documents and information about our school.

Ysgol Y Foryd is an Infant School situated in Kinmel Bay, on the outskirts of the seaside town of Rhyl.  We have a dedicated, experienced Staff led by Mrs Nicola Rowlands, Headteacher, and a very supportive Governing Body, chaired by Mr. Gary Young.

We were inspected in January 2019 and our school was judged as EXCELLENT in each of the 5 inspection areas.  This places us in the top 1-2% of schools in Wales.     

The Estyn Inspection Team said:

  • Most pupils make excellent progress from their starting points
  • Nearly all pupils, including those with additional learning needs make good and often very good progress in the development of their literacy and numeracy skills
  • Nearly all pupils' attitude towards learning is exemplary
  • The quality of care, support and guidance provided is excellent
  • The quality of teaching supports very high levels of pupils' engagement and very strong progress in learning
  • Senior leaders provide a strong strategic direction for the school with a clear focus on meeting the diverse needs and wellbeing of all pupils
  • The Governing body is highly supportive of the school 

(Link below to read the full report).


Our catchment area covers Kinmel Bay and Towyn but we do have some children who choose to attend the school from adjoining areas and occasionally from further away for a variety of reasons. (Priority is given however, to children who live within the catchment area.)


 Children can join our Dosbarth Traed Bach, nursery class, on a part time basis, in September following their 3rd birthday. 

All children, whether they already attend on a part time basis, or whether they are new to the school, must apply to join full time education at the school, to start the September following their fourth birthday. 

Children who move into the area or who wish to transfer to our School, can be admitted at any time during the School Year, subject to there being space available.  Our admission policy does not discriminate against any child for reasons of disability, Special Educational Needs, race or religion. If however a child has a Statement of Educational Need, Conwy LA do have to be consulted, to ensure that the child's needs can be met at our School, before the child can be admitted.


Gentle hands, kind words, listening, showing respect to everyone and doing our very best

The children follow these values through school and often teach them to parents too!  We are highly skilled in meeting pupils' diverse needs through a variety of strategies, including differentiated learning, Additional Learning needs support, intervention groups to support and extend pupils and various classes which involve parents working alongside their children.  Teachers and teaching assistants work in teams so that all work is carefully planned together for consistency, continuity and progression, and then evaluated to inform future planning.

Since September 2022 we have been devlivering the new Curriculum for Wales:

Languages, Literacy and Communication, Mathematical Development, Science and Technology, Humanities, Expressive arts, Health and Wellbeing

We also hold an Act of Collective Worship everyday and consider this to be a very important part of our School life.

All of our children, including Nursery age children, wear our school uniform with pride.

The majority of our children transfer to Ysgol Maes Owen, Towyn Junior School, which is on the same campus.  We have very close links with the Junior School, ensuring continuity and progression for the children.  From there, most children attend Emrys ap Iwan secondary School, while a few transfer to other local secondary, catholic or private schools.