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Blwyddyn 2 - Year 2

Croeso i Blwyddyn 2 - Welcome to Year 2

Dosbarth Clwyd is led by Mr Patterson and Mrs Culshaw-Roberts.  Dosbarth Elwy is led by Miss Jones and Mrs Gregory.  Our learning topic for the autumn term is 'Dyma Fi' ('Here I Am'), and is based on all things to do with ourselves.

Starting Our New School Year

We all spoke about the ‘Foryd Values’ and what they look like in school.
We drew pictures to show the values in use.
Our pictures explained what we can do to show ‘gentle hands’.

Our Hopes and Dreams

To begin our ‘Dyma Fi’ topic we drew self portraits.
We added as much detail to our faces as we could.
Then we wrote what our dreams are.

Mathematical Development

This activity was all about ordering numbers.


We had to count the objects carefully so they could be put in the correct order.


This challenge made us use our counting skills.


Here we are learning how to count in 2’s.


We used Numicon and cubes to help us.


Challenge done! We are very proud of ourselves.


These number frames helped us learn how to subtract numbers.
Counters were used to represent the numbers.

‘A Pea Called Mildred’

We used this brilliant book as a basis for our learning in the autumn term.


One of the characters in the book is called ‘Ronald the Radish’.


We came into school one day to find our classrooms in a bit of a mess.


After looking at the clues we decided it must have been Ronald!


To try to catch him, we made ‘wanted’ posters.


The posters showed a picture of Ronald and we also wrote a description of him.


Our posters were put up around the school.